“It is really important to me is to not forget to have fun and a sense of humour while working professionally.”

Eva Ritgen

What made you decide to work at ifok?

I am always inspired by our great colleagues, their competence and expertise and the valuable interactions with them. In addition, I have many opportunities and freedom to shape things myself, to move things forward and to push topics. Above all, I appreciate the respectful interaction at eye level, regardless of hierarchy.

How long have you been part of the ifok team?

I have been with ifok since May 2020. Prior to that, I worked in HR in various companies – from small management consultancies to international pharmaceutical companies – always with a focus on HR development and HR business partnering.

What sets you apart at the office?

I like to spar with my team. I am often asked for advice on tricky issues that require good instincts and a keen eye for detail on the one hand, but also a good dose of pragmatism on the other. What is really important to me is not to forget to have fun and a sense of humour while working professionally.

Which three things can you not do without on your next vacation?

A good book (and time to read it), outdoor sports (preferably tennis), relaxing time with my family.

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